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EPS TOPIK Book 2 Chapter 45 Vocabulary 2 MCQS Practice

  • Question of

    What is mean by “물을 주다”?

    • to water
    • to fertilize
    • to sow seeds
    • to plant seedlings
  • Question of

    What is mean by “거름을 주다”?

    • to apply manure (to a field)
    • to spray (apply) agricultural pesticide
    • to remove weed
    • to get rid of worms
  • Question of

    What is mean by “잡초를 뽑다”?

    • to remove weed
    • to apply manure (to a field)
    • to spray (apply) agricultural pesticide
    • to get rid of worms

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EPS Topik Listening Track Practice Question 241 – 280

EPS TOPIK Book 2 Chapter 46 Vocabulary 1 MCQS Practice