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EPS TOPIK Book 2 Chapter 51 Vocabulary 1 MCQS Practice

  • Question of

    What is mean by “제조업”?

    • manufacturing industry
    • construction industry
    • service industry
    • meat and dairy industry
  • Question of

    What is mean by “건설업”?

    • construction industry
    • manufacturing industry
    • service industry
    • meat and dairy industry
  • Question of

    What is mean by “서비스업”?

    • service industry
    • manufacturing industry
    • construction industry
    • meat and dairy industry
  • Question of

    What is mean by “축산업”?

    • meat and dairy industry
    • manufacturing industry
    • construction industry
    • service industry
  • Question of

    What is mean by “농업”?

    • agriculture industry
    • to make inquiries
    • fishing industry
    • the Employment Permit System
  • Question of

    What is mean by “어업”?

    • fishing industry
    • agriculture industry
    • to make inquiries
    • the Employment Permit System
  • Question of

    What is mean by “고용허가제”?

    • the Employment Permit System
    • agriculture industry
    • to make inquiries
    • fishing industry
  • Question of

    What is mean by “문의하다”?

    • to make inquiries
    • agriculture industry
    • fishing industry
    • the Employment Permit System

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EPS TOPIK Book 2 Chapter 50 Vocabulary 2 MCQS Practice

EPS TOPIK Book 2 Chapter 51 Vocabulary 2 MCQS Practice