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EPS TOPIK Book 2 Chapter 56 Vocabulary 2 MCQS Practice

  • Question of

    What is mean by “병가”?

    • sick leave
    • causes of sick leave
    • period of sick leave
    • affiliation
  • Question of

    What is mean by “병가 사유”?

    • causes of sick leave
    • sick leave
    • period of sick leave
    • affiliation
  • Question of

    What is mean by “병가 기간”?

    • period of sick leave
    • sick leave
    • causes of sick leave
    • affiliation
  • Question of

    What is mean by “소속”?

    • affiliation
    • sick leave
    • causes of sick leave
    • period of sick leave
  • Question of

    What is mean by “직위”?

    • position
    • to be hospitalized
    • emergency contact list
    • to receive outpatient treatment
  • Question of

    What is mean by “비상 연락처”?

    • emergency contact list
    • position
    • to be hospitalized
    • to receive outpatient treatment
  • Question of

    What is mean by “통원 치료를 하다”?

    • to receive outpatient treatment
    • position
    • to be hospitalized
    • emergency contact list
  • Question of

    What is mean by “입원을 하다”?

    • to be hospitalized
    • position
    • emergency contact list
    • to receive outpatient treatment
  • Question of

    What is mean by “조퇴하다”?

    • to leave early
    • to be absent from work
    • emergency contact list
    • to be absent from work without authorization
  • Question of

    What is mean by “결근하다”?

    • to be absent from work
    • to leave early
    • emergency contact list
    • to be absent from work without authorization
  • Question of

    What is mean by “무단결근하다”?

    • to be absent from work without authorization
    • to leave early
    • emergency contact list
    • to be absent from work

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EPS TOPIK Book 2 Chapter 56 Vocabulary 1 MCQS Practice

EPS TOPIK Book 2 Chapter 57 Vocabulary 1 MCQS Practice