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EPS TOPIK Book 2 Chapter 57 Vocabulary 1 MCQS Practice

  • Question of

    What is mean by “근로계약이 만료되다”?

    • a contract of employment expire
    • to refuse to renew a contract
    • an employment contract is terminated
    • to renew a contract
  • Question of

    What is mean by “근로계약이 해지되다”?

    • an employment contract is terminated
    • a contract of employment expire
    • to refuse to renew a contract
    • to renew a contract
  • Question of

    What is mean by “계약을 갱신하다”?

    • to renew a contract
    • a contract of employment expire
    • to refuse to renew a contract
    • an employment contract is terminated
  • Question of

    What is mean by “갱신을 거절하다”?

    • to refuse to renew a contract
    • a contract of employment expire
    • an employment contract is terminated
    • to renew a contract
  • Question of

    What is mean by “사업장 변경 사유”?

    • reasons for change of a work location
    • to delay payment of wages / to be in arrears
    • to be closed temporarily
    • to be closed
  • Question of

    What is mean by “임금을 체불하다”?

    • to delay payment of wages / to be in arrears
    • reasons for change of a work location
    • to be closed temporarily
    • to be closed
  • Question of

    What is mean by “휴업하다”?

    • to be closed temporarily
    • reasons for change of a work location
    • application for change of a work location
    • to delay payment of wages / to be in arrears
  • Question of

    What is mean by “폐업하다”?

    • to be closed
    • reasons for change of a work location
    • application for change of a work location
    • to delay payment of wages / to be in arrears
  • Question of

    What is mean by “폭언을 하다”?

    • to utter
    • reasons for change of a work location
    • addition of a work location
    • to assault / to attack
  • Question of

    What is mean by “폭행을 하다”?

    • to assault / to attack
    • to utter
    • addition of a work location
    • application for change of a work location
  • Question of

    What is mean by “사업장 변경 신청서”?

    • application for change of a work location
    • to utter
    • addition of a work location
    • to assault / to attack
  • Question of

    What is mean by “사업장 추가”?

    • addition of a work location
    • to utter
    • to assault / to attack
    • application for change of a work location

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EPS TOPIK Book 2 Chapter 56 Vocabulary 2 MCQS Practice

EPS TOPIK Book 2 Chapter 57 Vocabulary 2 MCQS Practice